Kiri Standee Art

Weekday morning art stream results (for about the entire last month of art streams)!
After #Offkai I saw all those cool life-sized #VTuber standees, and I decided to embark on a journey to make one of my own, starting with a giant high-res canvas, and then agonizing over every detail for hours and hours. Those scales took SO LONG to paint.
There are other details (clothing, accessories, etc) that make up the outfit from the actual model that might be added after the fact, but I'm calling it done for now.
Now I have to figure out how to get it printed on a 6'7" (2m) tall piece of foamcore.
Image description:
(A digital illustration of a lamia (a person with a human upper body and a giant snake tail in place of legs).
The pose resembles a fighting stance. She's grinning at the viewer.
Her scales are all purple. Her forearms are covered in thick scales, ending in sharp claws. There are other patches of scales along her arms and shoulders. She also has horns and pointy ears. Her eyes glow red.
She's wearing a torn crop-top tank-top, and a torn skirt. She has a necklace made of a roller lock key. She's wearing goggles up on her forehead covered in nicks and scratches.
Her skin is covered in nicks and scrapes.
Her hair is purple, held up with a bright red scrunchie.
There is a signature at the bottom with these URLs:
Posted: 2024-07-06
Happy Pride Month 2024

Happy Pride Month!
Image description:
A digital illustration of a human woman and a lamia on a beach at night.
The human woman and the lamia are sitting closely beside each other. The lamia has her hand around the human woman's waist, and is gesticulating excitedly with her other hand while talking and looking into the distance. The human woman is blushing and looking into the eyes of the lamia.
The lamia's tail is loosely looped around the two of them. Her scales are brown-ish. The human woman's hair is grey.
There are fireworks in the background, and some stick figures around a bonfire.
Posted: 2024-06-04
I Asked The Dragon Girl at the Gamestore on a Date but She Said 'Sweety We're Already Dating, We Live Together, and we Even Sleep in the Same Bed' and I Don't Know if this Means She Likes Me But I Might Have a Chance 7

Rumors say that she still hasn't figured it out to this day.
Image description:
A digital illustration (2D characters on a 3D background) of two girls at a game store. One girl is behind the counter, with patches of red scales on her body and a tail. She's wearing a blue dress. The other girl has short hair and is wearing a flannel hoodie, tank top, and shorts. Behind them is a scene game posters and merchandise. They are leaning over the counter at each other.
Flowed around them is text, reading, in all caps: "I asked the dragon girl at the game store on a date but she said "sweety, we're already dating, we live together, and we even sleep in the same bed" and I don't know if this means she likes me but I might have a chance."
Posted: 2024-05-17